Health + Wellness

nycs premier workout for trampoline cardio and muscle sculpting. in person and online, the ness is an intimate oasis where fitness meets your ness.

Can I do Trampoline Cardio with Bad Knees?

If you enjoy high intensity movement and want to continue working out with a bad knee, this is your sign to try trampoline cardio.

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the 411 on strength training

Incorporating strength training into your regular movement routine can improve everything from muscle and bone health to mental health, and is even linked to reducing all cause mortality.

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The Best Mother’s Day Gift

a NASA study shows that in just 10 minutes of bouncing on a trampoline you burn the same amount of energy and build the same amount of endurance as you would in 30 minutes of running, making bounce 3x more effective than running. Now THAT is efficiency and it’s exactly what the moms in your life need. 

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Post Holiday Movement Tips to Get Your Digestion Back on Track

Something that gets especially bogged down during the holidays is your digestive system. It goes without saying that it primarily rules your digestive functions and overall gut health, but it can also affect your mood, sleep cycles, energy level, and ability to focus

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four really good reasons why low impact fitness is exactly what you’ve been looking for

By definition, low impact exercise is designed to put little or no harmful stress on the body, and it’s often…

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goodbye summer body

This is your reminder that every body is a summer body if it exists in summer.

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Embracing Fitness Routines and Travel: Finding Balance and Joy in the Journey

Ah, summer! Warmer days, time to unwind, and long-awaited travel plans. The possibilities feel endless! So why does this warm…

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Planting Seeds

Y’all know April showers bring May flowers, but why is it taking so long for our seeds to sprout?

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Progress Check In

What if we flipped the script and measured time as a series of small progressions as opposed to the before and after?

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Exploring Self-Worth Before Self-Love

We’ve heard “love yourself first” more times than we can count and damn if only it was as easy as it was made out to be.

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Reframing Your Resolutions and Controlling Your Mindset

We see goals as we do movement. Movement is fluid, movement is continuous, movement is ever-changing. 

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perfection is out; progress is in

How often has your fear of not being good or “good enough” at something held you back from even trying? At the ness, we believe the best time to begin is now.

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burnt-out? let’s talk pace

Reframe that dated “all or nothing” mindset and acknowledge that you need to give less energy in some outlets so that you can give more in other things. As you continue to learn your limits, you’ll also learn to live as the fullest version of yourself.

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yes, you do need to stretch

Let’s talk about stretching. yes, stretching, that old friend you promised you’d grab coffee with, but then life just kept getting in the way. hey that’s okay, but it’s time to shift the narrative.

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benefits of coordination: why do we care?

maybe not the most “glamorous,” but coordination is the building block for all other aspects of fitness

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finding presence in your workout

because working out encompasses so much more than the physical. at the ness, we believe in challenging your body as well as your mind. our method brings you movement as full and multifaceted as life.

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the benefits of using the trampoline for balance

if you’re not trying to join the circus with a tightrope act, why does the average person need to work to improve their balance? let’s chat.

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the power of choreography

learning and memorizing combinations within our method allows you to build strength and endurance, physically, as well as stamina and presence, mentally.

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Demystify your pelvic floor

try repeating these three exercises slowly for one minute each. your pelvic floor will thank you.

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The benefits of rebounding

there are a number of benefits from spending time on the trampoline.   

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The lymphatic drainage lowdown

our beat based trampoline cardio challenges you to lift away and drive your feet back to the trampoline in a downward motion in a variety of positions. this action gives your lymphatic system the push it needs to circulate properly and flush out toxins. 

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