And just like that, it’s March. This month the ness turns four! Time definitely flies when you’re having fun, but also, time just flies. Seriously, where does it all go? Probably some hidden corner of the universe with all of our lost chapstick. Any birthday or significant marker of time induces a state of reflection. If you're like us, you either lean into appreciating how far you have come (the beginning) or start spiraling into how far away you are from where you want to go (the end.) We finally get to the place we have always dreamed about and somehow it's not good enough. It's a sick game we play with ourselves on the path to success and self improvement. But what about the transition between the two destinations? What if we flipped the script and measured time as a series of small progressions as opposed to the before and after? What about the in between?
To do this, we first suggest realigning by moving your body with a ness bounce or sculpt class. When you push yourself to learn a combination and execute it in 50 minutes or less you get to practice the art of progression and enjoy the immediate satisfaction that comes thereafter. By doing this you can start to explore how you function best in the in between and what motivates you to keep progressing. After class take a moment to reflect on the below questions.
How did you go from point A to B? What did you tell yourself to get through the tough spots? How confident did you feel when you had the right move? What felt really good? What felt really bad? How much patience did you need? How much support did you need?
By going through this exercise in a low stakes environment, such as a class, you can carefully explore how you like to exist in the in between. Once you reflect on your answers see how you can scale it and apply it to other elements of your life.