While the holiday's are all in good fun, traveling, partying late into the night, and generally being away from your regular lifestyle can be difficult on your body. Pair that with the jolt of reality that comes when the celebrations are over and many parts of your body begin to feel - scientifically speaking - out of whack.
Something that gets especially bogged down during the holidays is your digestive system. It goes without saying that it primarily rules your digestive functions and overall gut health, but it can also affect your mood, sleep cycles, energy level, and ability to focus. Studies show that when your digestive system is not up to business as usual, you're left feeling irritable, uncomfortable, lethargic and mentally foggy. Though these symptoms may not seem like a big deal, they can make diving back into work, school and life post-holiday season more challenging than it already is. Instead of waiting, hoping it will sort itself out with time, something as simple as moving your body can help alleviate the unwanted side effects of a cranky digestive system. The best part? You'll get a bonus endorphin boost just from moving your body.
Try a bounce session
Bouncing on a regular basis promotes healthy and more efficient digestion. Spending just 5-10 minutes high bouncing on a mini trampoline harnesses the effects of gravity and increased blood flow, to jumpstart your digestive system.
Twist it out
Another great way to improve digestive health is incorporating twists into your movement. Whether you're bouncing, strength training, or stretching, adding in a twist activates your abdominal muscles to wrap around your intestines to help declutter your digestive tract. Give one of these twisted moves a try if you're feeling a little stuck!
- Surf twist: This is a great way to find a major twist if bouncing is your preferred mode of movement. Surf twists takes the bounce down position and rotates the lower body to one side then back to center, keeping shoulders square to the front of the room the entire time. The opposition this move creates, allows your lower abdominals and obliques to contract tightly around your center where your small and large intestines live
- Twisted toe taps: If you don't have a trampoline, or you’re looking for a more relaxed option, a twisted toe tap utilizes the power of your breath to create (and remove) space in your torso for a juicy spiral. Standing wider than hips distance apart, soften your knees and feel your lower abdominals wrap in and up to lengthen your tailbone downward. Inhale to reach both arms out to the sides. Exhale to vigorously engage your obliques and transverse abdominis (your deepest core muscles) to sweep your left fingertips down towards your right big toe, opening your chest to the right side of your space. On your next inhale, return back to standing, and exhale to repeat on the other side.
Get upside down
Any opportunity to find an inversion, getting your hips higher than your head, is an easy way to get your digestive system moving. Something as simple as folding forward, like a toe touch, can stimulate your liver and kidneys which help eliminate toxins that can inhibit healthy digestion.